Getting Started

Our excitement and anticipation has been rising as the months weeks, days and hours passed since taking delivery of ‘Betsy’ our VDub Campervan in March 18.  There have been a few week end trips but this is the big one, 3 weeks travelling across Europe to Slovenia and Croatia.

It’s an early start from Devizes trundling down to Dover to catch the ferry across to France.  There was then the long journey across Northern France with Betsy eating up the kilometres.  Tired of the endless autoroute we opted to take the backroads for the final stretch of the journey between Reims and Verdun.  Unfamiliar with the new satnav intent on forcing us onto the autoroute and only having a small scale map which had the fidelity of a breeze block showing Reim as a yellow blob we circled the town trying to guess our way onto the back roads.

We always forget just how big France is, a 100km later with the sun getting ready for bed we rolled into Les Brueils campsite.  A joy, a swimming pool and restaurant but small friendly atmosphere.  Too tired to walk into town a very acceptable goats cheese salad, herb omelette and kebab was wolfed down at the on the terrace of the campsite restaurant.



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